My favorite metaphor is that our hearts are like a garden with flowers and weeds and that God is the gardener.
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Garden Heart
My favorite metaphor is that our hearts are like a garden with flowers and weeds and that God is the gardener.
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Faithful Are the Wounds of a Friend
It's not often that I know exactly what the title is. Today, I do: faithful are the wounds of a friends.
I am in pain. The tears were streaming down my face and my nose was getting all stuffy and my throat had that weird, painful lump in it.
I am so, so, lucky to have the opportunity to go through this pain, to have friends who will inflict it - showing their true love to me. I boast that I will only shine brighter because of it. I will only be stronger.
I had to look at the truth tonight. I knew what the truth was but I had forgotten it, forgotten the conclusion to the truth.
When they call it the "ugly truth" it is just that. It's the kind of truth that gives you a red, puffy face and a snotty nose, it's the kind of truth that makes you want to put your face on the ground and stay there for hours because you know that this simple gesture would be better than anything else you could think of doing.
Ah, the truth. It was the same thing I've hear for years and I responded the way I always do - with resolve to be quiet and still and let the spirit of God change my heart.
That's the only way I'll be new.
That's the only way I can truly love.
A checklist. That's what I make my friends feel like. A checklist that I quickly grow to despise.
Over and over, I will learn that it doesn't matter where I live, or where I work, or what I eat or how I entertain myself - I will be blown about by every wind and thought that comes my way, unless my heart be in the right place. That place is in Christ.
My. Heart. Has. To. Be. In. Christ every day.
I was looking for an answer, I was saying
"God! what willest Thou for me?"
I got my answer. Right now. Right where I am.
It amazes me and terrifies me how easily Satan deceived me into thinking that it was all outside circumstances and that I was dissatisfied because of my job and where I live - no, I was dissatisfied because I was not in unity with God and I was inverted into myself. My eyes and heart were not open to the hearts of my friends, only to the circumstances and checklists. They need me to care just a lot more and in all the words I heard about the things they are annoyed with and the attitudes they feel from me, the conclusion in my own heart is that this is all symptoms of a deep, deep sickness in me.
I often think, and would like you, reader to consider, that this sickness is like weeds that twist their way into our hearts. Some people call it "baggage." Throughout our years, from childhood on, we grow in patterns of thinking and in patterns of actions. All of us have human patterns like this - good and bad. As a Christian, I believe that God tends us like a garden, taking as much time to weed out the bad and cultivate the good as it did for all of it to grow up in us.
Weeds drop seeds at every level of soil and so they will come back again and again and the Lord will work them out again and again. One year pulling them up by hand, another year digging them out with a spade and yet other times, burning them with fire. Don't mistake me: this working will only continue and progress as you and I submit to it. In my life, God speaks to me in my heart about His will but MUCH more so through people and my friends. They are affected by my behavior and so clearly see my patterns, while I might feel that I am getting away with something.
We must be open to correction and willing to look at the ugly truths and the hard truths. We must be willing to be crushed and yet rise up right after the crushing to go to our Lord and be healed!
This is not to say that it is pain always, for there are times when one is flourishing with roses and gardenias - there is always good and bad within a garden.
My friends did not tell me I had a sickness they only showed me the symptoms, but I know that I need to run to Jesus and lay down at His feet every morning, every night. That if I do this and open my heart to His work, my friends will truly feel His love and ALL my dreams will come true because my dreams will become one with God's will.
O that you would slay the wicked thoughts in me O God! Depart from me, therefore, Satan!
He speaks against you wickedly, the enemy takes your name in vain. Do I not hate him O, Lord. who hates you? Do I not loathe the one who rises against you? I hate him with perfect hatred, he is my enemy.
Search me O Go and know my heart, try me and know my anxieties and see if there is any wicked way in me and lead me in the
Way Everlasting.
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Sin is Real And Here's What We Should Do About It
I believe in an enemy of all mankind, a villain whose sole goal is to destroy us. I believe in a Savior, a hero whose sole goal is to deliver us. I believe in good and evil.
This is actually a belief that is fading away. Few believe in right and wrong anymore. Few react to right and wrong correctly anymore.
I believe in sin. And I believe there is a way I am supposed to react to sin. I have begun to understand the patterns of sin and the patterns of the evil-one who created it.
I believe in righteousness. I believe in the Source of that righteousness and I am beginning to understand what righteousness is...I believe it is not at all what many people would expect.
The pattern of the afore mentioned villain of our story are as follows:
If he cannot "get us" in one way, he tries another.
It is that simple, I believe. I believe that Satan is a simple creature. Sometimes I think him very stupid because he is so predictable, however I also think him clever sometimes because I often fall in his traps.
If he cannot get me in one way he moves on to the next.
This is how I explain the conquering of one struggle and how another rises up right afterwards.
I just want to wrap our minds around what these struggles are defined as for us Christians.
I believe that God is so mighty and wise. I believe that He has an order and a plan, however, it looks nothing like what we can imagine. I believe we can only look to Him always and seek Him and He'll let us know.
He has, however, defined quite clearly some things He wants us to do and some things He does not want us to do:
Love God Don't be jealous of what someone else has
Love our neighbor Don't be selfish or vain
Care for the sick and homeless and widowed Don't be prideful
Render to Cesar what is Cesar's Don't murder
and to God what is God's Don't lie
Be strong and of good courage Don't be a glutton
Love your wife Don't sin sexually
Follow your husband Don't be adulterous
Work out your own salvation Don't be afraid
Live a quiet life Don't hate
Mind your own business and Don't be lazy and foolish
Work with your hands Don't be frivolous
So that's just a few off the top of my head. Pretty clear, huh.
So yeah, if we who claim to follow God, the Father of Jesus Christ, do the things that are on God's do not do list, then we are sinning. Plain and simple. Sin is simply going against what God asked us to do.
You know, I think the world is trying really hard to convince everyone that there is no such thing as sin, the devil and God. No, it's not the world doing this, it is the devil himself. Oh, he uses words and people's feelings as mighty weapons against us!
You know what? I pause every few minutes to pray that God would help us all to see Him and His truth so we can follow Him. I'm not afraid that I'm going to be snatched up by Satan, but I do know that I and also you can be so blind. I put it in God's hands.
Anyway. There is sin. And you can look at that list and figure on which ones apply to you. If none apply to you, go back to the third one.
Now how should we react to sin? Should we do what the lord of the world is doing and slowly convince ourselves it is not sin? Should we make a prioritized list of which sin is worse than the others and decide we're "not that bad"? Only God is the judge of what is worse than what.
Should we begin to watch for these sins in others and save the world ourselves by fighting against them? Only God can judge others and only God can save the world.
Should we become terrified of doing something wrong? Should we punish ourselves? Should we take drastic measures to protect ourselves from temptation? The latter would not work - many have tried that! Look at the Amish or Mennonites. They may be chaste and hardworking and devoted, but again, Satan will get them in other ways. Even a pie recipe that you think is sooo much better than Edna's can be the sin of pride.
We can't run from sin. We can't beat it out of ourselves. Fighting is futile.
So here's the solution, here's the key:
Look to God. Seek Him with all that is in you. He is the only one who knows what's best. He is so wise and will give all we need in time. Praise Him, know and believe that He is good and will do what is best. He is everywhere. He is in you, He is in others, He is in the world and in the earth. If you look for Him you will find Him. If you trust in Him, you will find peace. If you make Him king of your life, He will set you free from sin and you. will. fly.
Righteousness is a very big word that may bring many thoughts to your mind. If you do not understand what righteousness means, it may sound super arrogant to you. But righteousness simply means united with God. A righteous person is the one who is sitting at the feet of the throne of the King as a humble servant who wants only what the King wants. The wise and good King who reigns justly. That is righteousness and that is what being a Christian means.
Monday, September 26, 2016
Heart Glass
We're about to have our yearly, special event at church called and "Ingathering". It's a time for our members to be together and worship God. It's kind of like our New Year and family reunion and revival.
One of my friends sent a text to everyone saying
"Let's guard or hearts in preparation for the Ingathering."
I was asking myself: what is guarding my heart? I have heard this said often growing up and as with so many other things that I don't understand, I am excited to come to an understanding of what this means. I know it means something beautiful.
I was just thinking: what is something that I guard? How do I guard it?
I went to a wine tasting a few months ago and was given a wine glass with the event name printed in it.
It's special to me. I keep it in my room and only use it to drink special drinks like wine or special juices. I dare not leave it out in the kitchen where others can use it. I've left special things out before and they've been broken.
So I think I have somewhat of an understanding now of what guarding my heart is: It is keeping my heart away where it won't be broken or used. And used for a purpose that it's not meant for, or for the wrong time. I think this meaning fits well, i think it's beautiful.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Attempted Destruction of a Pure Life
My next door neighbor had cancer of the jaw. The kind typical of an old man who smokes for years. She had to have surgery, they had to cut a big gash in her leg and use the bone to replace the spot in her jaw.
When she was recovering my mom volunteered to go read her storybooks. That's right: she was only six years old. It's been a year now and it's really JUST hitting me.
From day-one Ana was in cloth diapers. Her parents were very much into a healthy, organic lifestyle. Her mother taught my class how to make cloth diapers. They have lived out in the purest country air imaginable.
Ana's parents are farmers and always brought their kids in on everything they do. Ana was potty trained before she was a year old. She and siblings were constantly eating fresh vegetables and loved them too. Ana's parents were working on adopting a child to share in their wonderful life.
There really was no explanation why Ana got cancer.
I can only attribute it to the belief that we have an enemy, a spirit that wants to come into our lives and wreak whatever havoc he can and attempt to destroy us. I believe that he chooses the one who is deeply in the will of God, the one who is seeking God. I believe that Satan takes his biggest swing and lays upon them his biggest blow...but I also believe in The Good One, the One who is our defense and our help-meet. He never fails us if we cling to Him. He pulls us up out of the mess and places us back on the safe rock.
Another one of my neighbors got leukemia a few years before Ana's battle. Paul was the one who had devoted his life to learning the facts about God and the early church. He is the humblest, kindest, wisest teacher our church has known.
He survived the cancer and met so many people he never would have met if he did not get sick.
He made many, many blog posts and videos during his hospital stay in order to continue to teach and eternalize what he knew.
Again I come out with the belief that Satan was trying to annihilate a strong servant of God.
He attacks those who are living a pure life and attempts to destroy them, but he fails.
Paul and Ana's families didn't let go of God and He didn't let go of them. He protected them.
He allowed what happened because Satan dishes out trials in hopes that we'll fall.
Satan never learns that those trials are what make us stronger.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Ever go to a water park and see the people manning the different slides and rides?
They have to stand there all day or as long as their shift is saying,
"You can go...You can go...You can go...".
Seems kinda boring and they look like it too. They look bored. For me it kinda' takes the fun out of the water park when the people telling you to "Go" don't even look like they think it will be fun for you to "Go".
I think about what I would be like in that situation and other situations such as waitress work. I like to think I would rock it. I would smile at everyone as if they were the only person I've seen that day. That's what I do at my current job. When someone comes into my massage room, I've prepared the room to perfection just for them. I've made everything ready just right for them and that one person is my focus. When I connect with someone and they leave happy, that is the best feeling in all the world.
The lifeguards, though, have to see hundreds of people for five seconds each. I still think I would run the risk of a facial spasm if it meant seeing others have a good time. I like to think I'd smile at every single one of them and say "You ready?" and psych them up and then I'd say "Go!" and smile real big as they smile and go. I'd say, "You havin' fun?" to the next one because I honestly find the greatest pleasure in seeing others have a good time.
I've never been a waitress before but I plan to be one someday soon and I think I'd be the best server there was just like my mom. I'd smile and make people happy and then when I'm old I'll have all the wrinkles to prove it.
Monday, August 1, 2016
To The Pure All Things Are Pure
I was kicked out of Eden
At the age of four.
I experienced the fall
And didn’t even know it.
I could place the blame,
But the answer is the same:
They are fallen too.
Tonight I cry.
I remember years gone by,
Seeds that were planted that grew
Into the tree of good and evil
And choked out the tree of life
I was kicked out of Eden
And wrought with worry
But the Lord has seen my heart.
I’ve been on the stand
With a doubtful jury,
But the mess won’t tear me apart.
To the pure all things are pure.
The Lord has a gift for me,
He’s working on the weeds in my heart
And regrowing the garden of Eden.
Friday, July 15, 2016
He's Reaching Out
28 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”
29 “Come,” he said.
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”
31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”
32 And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. 33 Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”
So even though we doubt and sink beneath the waves sometimes, the Lord is still there reaching out His hand to help us. He is not angry that we doubt, he doesn't punish us and let us go on down, he reaches out to help us because he loves us and all we have to do is take that hand.
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Pebbles to a Mighty God
Pebbles to a Mighty God
By Rachel Fagan for Naqah and Naqiy Schepp
What to do? How to live? Who to be and when?
Can we open our hearts
When we’re not sure they’d let us in?
What is standing? What is being?
We feel this tying and long for freeing.
Feeling stuck, to say the least,
Starving, looking for the feast.
I read them once:
Words that changed it all.
They said “Don’t be afraid
Even if you fall,
Talk it out with the Lord of peace
Pray and give thanks
And you’ll find release.”
The weights that depress that heart of yours
Are not what they seem,
They are nothing more
Than pebbles to a mighty God
Who, yet in His strength,
Knows the path you trod.
So open your heart to the peace you’ll find
When you lay all your worries
Before a King who is kind.
He’ll keep you safe
And never betray you,
You’re His princess
To you He’ll stay true.
I’ve heard it said so many times:
Love casts out fear
When fear blurs the lines.
Along with this truth it is defined
That true love is patient and unfailingly kind.
I, myself, have found this to be true.
I find the greatest freedom when I love God and love you.
You and I are equally special,
To a mighty God who makes gems out of pebbles.
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Be Without Waiting
I've noticed a pattern in me and it is this: I can't be free and easy and awesome, unless I know they like me.
This can be a problem. Some people decide to like you even before they know you. Others, however, are not so willing and generous. Others want you to prove you're likable before they decide to like you. Still others might like you but never show it.
So that's why it's a problem for me. In certain situations, I get really confused about who I am and what I should do and I want to learn to be free of that. I wanna be awesome no matter who I'm with, if they like me or not and if they show it or not.
This is one of my goals. So how do we do this? How do we be without waiting for the security of knowing we're liked? Create a new pattern?
Monday, June 6, 2016
It Is All About You
You know, there's a lot of breakup songs out there. Sometimes I get confused because the girl in the song wants the guy and then he comes into the song and he wants the girl and they're both singing about how they miss each other and I'm like "hey you guys agree, what's the problem?"
Other songs confuse me too. The guys sing about how they love a girl and she ruined everything. The girls sing about how they love a guy then he ruined everything. So I'm confused, are the girls messing things up or are the guys ruining the world?
Let's continue on this thread with another thought: Pinterest, Facebook, Hot Topic. All these have some recurring themes. Posts and t-shirts that say things like
"I'm not antisocial, I just don't like you" "You'll end up really disappointed if you think people will do for you as you do for them, not everyone has your heart"
"Not everyone deserves to know the real you, let them criticize who they think you are"
"Sometimes you have to unfollow people in real life"
"It's All About Me"
The dramatic quotes and songs that blame the other person and victimize self erk me to no end. The attitude t-shirts that scream about how the world is against ME. We are so worried about other people judging us and hurting us. We talk about what they do but take no thought or responsibility for ourselves.
History is full of hate. White people hating black people, black people hating white people, men hating women, women hating men, German people hating Jewish people, Jewish people hating German people, Egyptian people hating Jewish people, Jewish people hating Egyptian people.
There's a lot of hate today, everyone knows that, Americans hating Islam, Islam hating America. China, Britain, Japan, Australia. Movies often portray the disdain other countries have for those "filthy Americans." I think it's because of our "me, me, me, I have rights", victim mentality.
I once watched an excellent reality mini series called "Erasing Hate". It was the story of a man who had been a part of white supremacy groups along with his wife. He had white supremacy and hate tattoos all over his face and arms and neck.
There was a point in their lives when he and his wife realized the unreality and hypocrisy even in that hate group. Leaders of the group would talk about honor and taking care of their children and protecting them from the world that's against them and yet they were caught hurting children and doing completely dishonest things.
The whole victimisation attitude and the unreality of it really got to this couple. There was this idea that was hyped up among the group that all other cultures are against white people and are going to take over and rage war and destroy everything for the white people. This didn't sit well with these two people. They just couldn't believe what they were hearing and seeing. They left the group, became Christians and the man went through a painful process of removing the tattoos.
This story reveals to me, again, how we as humans victimize ourselves and say that everyone is against us. Human nature is such that we only see out of our little eyes and think out of our little brains and imagine that all the world is watching us. All the world is NOT watching you, all the world is worried about themselves.
That is why it is so funny when a person is worried what others think about them because others are not thinking about them.
It is a great lesson to learn and to carry with you always that your are not that important and everyone is not watching you or thinking about you or plotting against you.
I think America would greatly benefit from a change of heart. If we could stop worrying about what others are doing to us and for us and concern ourselves instead with what we are doing to and for others.
We need to take responsibility for our own mistakes in our families, with our friends and with those we don't even know. We need to open our eyes to see the bigger picture and open or minds to the truth and reality and stop making it ALL ABOUT ME!
Luke 4:18-19
Luke 4:18,19
The spirit of the lord is on me. He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor, proclaim freedom to the captives, sight to the blind, freedom to the oppressed. Proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.
The spirit of the lord is on me. He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor, proclaim freedom to the captives, sight to the blind, freedom to the oppressed. Proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
I Am Not for a Man, I Am for God
I love my body, I love almost everything about it. A lot of times I think that I have the perfect body and the most beautiful eyes and the strongest yet most beautiful hands and the most extraordinary hair.
Sometimes I'm sad because I watch romantic movies and I think about how I wish a man would look into my eyes, I wish a man would hold my hand and kiss my lips.
Well, I realized, that's not all I'm good for. I realize that obviously God has more for me than that.
My mind is meant to know Him, my eyes are meant to look at Him, my lips are meant to praise Him, my arms are meant to reach for Him, my hands are meant to work for Him, my body is meant to go where He leads me and to build His kingdom and love Him.
I am not meant for a man. At least not right now. I am meant for God and I can be satisfied in that.
My mind is for no man, my mind is for my God.
My eyes are for no man, my eyes are for my God.
My lips are for no man, my lips are for my God.
My arms are for no man, my arms are for my God.
My hands are for no man, my hands are for my God.
My body is for no man, my body is for my God.
My feet are for no man, my feet are for my God.
Saturday, May 7, 2016
A Letter on Being Gay
I saw a picture on Facebook of a boy who was about 12 years old, he was crying and the post essentially said "I am gay and I'm afraid of what my future may hold." Lots of people commented sympathetically, encouraging him to have courage.
I've been thinking about all this gay versus not gay stuff that's blowing up the internet and the world. I know none of it is new, people have been gay for centuries past. The theme these days seems to be "This is who I am, this is how I was born, I'm embracing the truth about me, don't try stop me."
I was thinking about the little boy. I was thinking about the two friends I have who's husbands left them to be gay. I have been fortunate enough to have a friend who used to be gay and who obviously was around gay people a lot. She helped me understand a little about how hurt and abuse from the opposite sex can lead someone to find refuge in a gay relationship. I feel for those who have been hurt and I wish better things for them.
A Word to Christians:
I say I was fortunate enough to know her and a couple other people who were gay because I think it's important for us to not de-humanize gay people. They are people who are just like us.
Few things anger me more than someone who hurts others out of ignorance and fear. I strongly believe we should be kind to and get to know people even if they do things we think are wrong.
I've heard of so-called Christians who wouldn't dream of even talking to a gay person even though Jesus said "love your neighbor as yourself". I think that's sick. I think some people are afraid that if they get close to and try to understand a gay person, they might be convinced that being gay is not wrong after all. If you're afraid to obey Jesus by loving people (which includes not judging them until you know them) than your relationship with God probably needs some work.
I also have a problem with that fact that Christians elevate sexual sin above other sins. I don't think that's even biblical. Sexual sin does have a profound effect on people but I think sins like fear, greed and jealousy are equally offensive to God. How many of us do all those things on a regular basis? My point is, sin is sin and we have no place to judge our neighbor. We're supposed to "work out our own salvation." Phillipians 2:12. All of this is NOT to say "Oh, we all sin, so chill and let me enjoy myself in my sin!" I just want us to get back on track with the reality of our human condition.
Now to Continue the Discussion:
I have heard over and over people saying they are born this way, they didn't choose to be gay, this is who or what they are.
If we make being gay out to be something that just happens and just is, then we make it out to be, something out of our control, an accident. And if we believe that it's just who we are and that it's out of our control, then no one can judge us for it or ask us to take responsibility for our actions.
If we believe that it is not a choice then we secure for ourselves in our own minds a comfortable reassurance that there is nothing wrong.
It reminds me of the ploy to make abortion okay in the minds of people. They de-humanize it by changing the terminology. They tell people they are just "getting rid of a few cells", disposing of insignificant "tissue".
I'm not a soap box ranter. I just want to be in reality and say it like it is. If you're going to be gay, then be honest and say that you are making the choice to be gay because it is a choice.
It makes me sad that my friends were hurt by their husbands who left them and their children to be gay. It was as if in the minds of those men, they were justified by the world's opinion that they are simply being true to themselves and that is somehow noble?
Back to the little boy. I want to tell you and everyone else: you don't have to be gay. Believe it or not, the world is practically telling us we have to. If you are softer featured than most guys, if you're a prettier guy than most guys, it doesn't mean you're gay and you don't have to be. (I am speaking mostly to men, I guess because I've seen more guys than girls being gay, but maybe that's just me) Just because you can relate well to girls, just because you like dance more than football, it doesn't mean you have to be gay. The world will tell you that if you don't "come out" and say you're gay than you're denying yourself.
Hey, that's an interesting thought. Didn't Jesus say to"deny yourself"?
They practically put labels on people and make us think we have to be something we're not. They convince us. They say A+B=C and you have to embrace it.
So dear brother, dear friend, I believe being gay is a choice. As a Christian, I believe it is a choice that saddens my Lord because He has better things for us. I am not God and I know only a little about how He judges us. What we do is certainly important to Him. Our choices certainly lay us open to His judgement, whether He judges that we do good or bad.
He has amazing gifts for all of us if we would, in the words of Keith Green, "Come to Him humbly, lay down at His feet and say "You're the Lord! And I'll follow You the rest of my life on earth, so that I can spend the rest of eternity with You."
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
What God is Like or What God Likes
Judging by nature and the earth we're on, I think His favorite color is blue (sky, water, flowers) with green being a close second (plants) then brown (dirt, trees, people), white (stars, clouds, sunlight, flowers, snow, people) and black (night, shadows, people).
Favorite number? That's easy! It's obviously two! Just about everything in our world has a counterpart, people, animals, even plants. The sun and moon are partners. Our bodies and that of animals and bugs have just about two of everything.
Five is a close second. So many flowers have exactly five petals. They look good that way. God also likes three, four, six and eight. Apparently even numbers, mostly. Some plants have three leaves on each stem like clover. Some flowers have six petals. God made it so that four legs or walls are best on houses, tables and all manner of structures. The legs of animals and bugs come in four, six and eight a lot of times.
Favorite number? That's easy! It's obviously two! Just about everything in our world has a counterpart, people, animals, even plants. The sun and moon are partners. Our bodies and that of animals and bugs have just about two of everything.
Five is a close second. So many flowers have exactly five petals. They look good that way. God also likes three, four, six and eight. Apparently even numbers, mostly. Some plants have three leaves on each stem like clover. Some flowers have six petals. God made it so that four legs or walls are best on houses, tables and all manner of structures. The legs of animals and bugs come in four, six and eight a lot of times.
I love analyzing things. Some people laugh in a half annoyed way and tell me I'm such an analyzer.
I know I am and there's a reason God made me that way and I love it.
What do you thing about my analysis?
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Today's Prayer March 30th 2016
Lord I want to trust You, I want to believe You, I want to believe that I can do all things through You.
I want to glorify You every moment.
I want to know You so deeply that nothing matters but pleasing You.
So when I wake and when I sleep and when I eat and when I dress and when I work and when I speak and when I sing and when I cry, every moment, in everything, I want it all to be about You.
You are my King I will follow You.
I want to glorify You every moment.
I want to know You so deeply that nothing matters but pleasing You.
So when I wake and when I sleep and when I eat and when I dress and when I work and when I speak and when I sing and when I cry, every moment, in everything, I want it all to be about You.
You are my King I will follow You.
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Scars Tell a Story by Rachel Fagan
I've been thinking about scars lately. As a massage therapist I see them all. There's a certain respect that comes over me when I see those scars and hear their stories. When I was younger it used to annoy me when my peers would boast about their scars and try to collect as many as they could. It seemed foolish to me to want to get hurt. Now that I have grown, I think I understand more about people and the meaning and history that scars hold.

They tell of our lives,
From the very beginning,
When we opened our eyes.
To be here on this earth,
She still bears the marks we gave her
At the moment of our birth.
We began all our adventures,
We went stumbling along,
We were small, but the world was big,
Scars tell a story
About how we learned
That a curve in the road and the speed of a bike
Must carefully be discerned.
The anguish of youth,
Scars tell of the pain,
And the truth and the gain.
Of feeling lost, alone,
And without hope,
Scars show we outlived
The hurtful way that we coped.

Scars tell of times
When we were having fun,
Calamity came, made the story great,
And we talk of how we won.
Scars tell of service,
And brave, daring deeds,
And risked all for their needs.
Scars tell of accidents.
For who wants that reminder,
When it really hurt our pride?
Scars show the miracle
The terrible thing was taken out,
In its place the healthful grew.
Some sickness or infection
Left it's mark behind,
In body and in mind.
Scars tell a story.
Or, rather, make a statement,
Like a medal from a victory,
After hardship’s abatement .
Though we’ve been through trials,
And this life our skin has rived,
“Here is proof that I survived!”
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