Saturday, February 4, 2012


The last couple of months, my friends and I have been doing a soccer league as a fund raiser for our missionaries in Mexico.  Each game that we play, all the players (about 16) donate a little money towards the fund.
We had four teams in the beginning and we rotated playing a game against each other every week on Sunday.  Then, just recently, we had a day for finals where two teams played and the other two played after them. Whoever won on the two games were the final contestants and they played against each other on my brother's birthday January 15th.  I am very happy to report that my team ended up being in the finals and then we were the Champions!!!


Here is my team, we're SO AWESOME!! : 

Brandon, Paul, Me, my brother John, Joel, Micaiah, Ashley, and Susie

Here are our friends in Mexico who are serving the Lord:

Gannah and Asher with their kids Edith, Evelyn, Esther (who was visiting) Eldora, Michael, Raphael, Emily and Eliana.  I love them very much and miss them a lot!