Sunday, January 8, 2012

Make My Life a Ride!!! (And let me submit to it)

In our Gathering today (or church service) we talked about the fact that if life is perfect with no hardships then one is probably being "taken care of" by the devil. 
I do not want an ordinary life. I do not like when I seek my own comfort or satisfy my own desires and I do this all the time!  What happened to denying myself? 
God, show me clearly where in my life you want me to deny myself! Remove selfishness from me and God I beg you to let your plans for my life play out because I know you have an extraordinary story for me!! Extraordinary!

Make my life an adventure, God,
Don't let me fall asleep.
To be bound along on a journey, God,
Your power I may reap.

A life-long obstacle course, Dear God,
I ask for this glorious ride!
To be taken over mountains, God,
With you as my trusted guide!

After I wrote the last poem I picked out this picture to go with it and while I was doing so another poem started forming!  Hope it's powerful and portrays my heart:

The Mountains, Not the Tranquil Pool

Don't let me choose the selfish way
Of comfort, ease and cool,
But let me choose the dirty work:
The mountain, not the tranquil pool.

Not seeking safety or repose,
Nor avoiding thorns and enjoying rose.
Oh, God, that road is for a fool.
May I choose the mountains not the tranquil pool.

Embrace the climb, bear the blisters,
Gleaning power from brothers and sisters.
Enrolling in this rugged school,
Only the mountains, not the tranquil pool!

That oneday God, I'll see you smile,
To hear you attest that I took every mile!
To hear You say that I'm Your jewel,
That I braved every mountain, and rejected the tranquil pool.


  1. Wow! That's amazing! You are beautiful and I'm glad you're my daughter :) You are truly going after God and I love you!

  2. Replies
    1. :) yep, a long time ago i wished i could be a poet and I've been practicing since :) Miss you Gavin!
