Sunday, February 12, 2017

Slave to Whom?

We know what sin is.  We know what God considers sin.  We know the things we're not supposed to do.  I will speak out of my own experience because I strongly believe this is something I should primarily speak out of.  I know what sin is.  I know what I'm not supposed to do.

I have struggled with sin lately.  I have questioned whether the thing I want to do really is sin.  How do we know it's sin?  Why can't I do it without feeling bad about it?   Why does God have to treat me like a slave and tell me what I can and can't do?

Well I have an answer for myself.  I asked God about it.  The thing is this:  the sin is almost irresistible, if I do not resist, I inevitably go on ahead full throttle, no stopping it.  I am a slave.  It controls me and I have to do it.  Unless, I make a choice.

I can make a choice to believe that God wants me to be free of everything that would bind me, namely, my enemy Satan whose ultimate goal is to bind me in anyway he can.  I can choose to believe that the things God does not want me to do, will hurt me in the end and that it is Love that asks me not to do those things that hurt me.

I can choose to submit to the One who has life and love for me.  Why would I choose the other guy?  He doesn't want good for me!  When I give in to sin, I am making the choice to submit to Satan, my enemy.  When I choose to turn away, I submit to my King who loves me.

So next time I wish to ask

"Is this really a sin?  Why shouldn't I?"

I will reply

"Well, is it controlling you?  Is it giving life and making you grow?"

If the answer is "yes" to the first then it is not something I want to be doing.  If the answer is "no" to the second, it is something I should cease immediately.

O, Lord, we cannot save ourselves.  We cannot conquer without Your grace.  Keep us, O Lord, from the things that ensnare us

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