Monday, April 20, 2015

The question is:  Are you really rejecting Jesus, or are you rejecting what some call "modern-day Christianity" with it's backstabbing, judge-mental hypocrites and warm fuzzy feelings that don't last?
I think you're right to reject the latter.

What if I told you that there are people in the world who actually live what Jesus and His Father taught?  What if I told you that there are people who's Jesus is not safe and comfortable?
These people know that following the real Jesus means stepping out of your comfort zone, doing what you are afraid to do and laying your own wants and desires aside for the sake of others.  There are people who know that Jesus lived to teach us not to be selfish and to realize that there is a God, our Father in heaven, to whom we owe honor and glory.

He is powerful and artistic and merciful and kind.  And He wants us to accept Him as our Father and get to know Him.  He has so much to show us and to give us but He wants something in return:  our love and honor.

Many debate so many ideas in regards to God and the Bible, but a relationship with Him should not be full of worry, anxiety or anything negative for that matter.  Walking with God should be simple:  seek Him, love Him, obey Him.  We learn to obey Him after we know Him.  We know Him by seeking Him.  He's in everyone.  He is anything that is good, truly good.  The difference between an atheist and a Christian is that when they see something good, the atheist gives man the credit and glory, the Christian gives God the credit and glory.  The Bible says that the evidence of the spirit of God is love, peace, joy, kindness, forbearance, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. When I see these things I know that God is there because He made all those things and He is all those things.

There are a lot of traditions out there.  Traditions for how churches and Christians should be. Traditional ways of translating the things God has said.  What if we questioned all of that?  What if we threw it all out and started fresh?
What if the most popular Bible verses among Christians are not the most important ones to God?
We try to establish rules that we believe God lives by.  Some people say, "God is this way and He HAS to be this way".  I say, God doesn't HAVE to DO anything. He does what He wants.  Much of what He has done in the Bible defies many of our rules.  He loved the bad people because they came to Him and wanted Him and sought after Him and loved Him.  Stop trying to figure God out.

I have found that following God means not battling the people around me, not blaming anyone for anything, and taking full responsibility for the things I do.  It can be scary, and challenging, but there are so many sides to God.  I love to see Him in nature, music, art and in my friends.  He's also in the places you'd least expect Him to be.

It's a journey.  I guess in conclusion, I want you to know that God is good and He's absolutely worth following.  If anyone says they're a Christian but there is no evidence of a good change being done in their life, keep looking.  He's out there.

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