Monday, August 10, 2015

Tall people want to be shorter, short people want to be taller, fair people want to be tanner, dark people want to be lighter, straight haired people want to have curly hair, curly haired people want to have straight hair, big breasted women want smaller breasts, small breasted women want larger breasts and on and on.

Wow, we think about our outer person a lot like that!  What if there were no mirrors or photos? What if we weren't so aware of our outward appearances and what if we didn't compare our outward appearances to others?  What if we just lived our lives doing and reading and giving and working and creating and learning.

It seems like we have this goal (whether we realize or not) to be the same as everyone else. That's what would happen if it were in everyone's power to change everything about themselves that they could.  Everyone would be the same height, weight, everyone would have the same color hair and eyes.  There's plenty of weird futuristic movies where man has made a world like that.  You might feel that life would be easier if we were all the same.  Others wouldn't judge you, or make fun of you because they would be just like you.  You're right.  It probably would be easier, but God likes diversity.  That's why He made so many types of humans. And animals. And plants. And sunsets.

Sometimes I wish my eyes would only be looking out at the world and not down at myself.  I would be freer and maybe even more confident.  Thinking about myself, hoping people approve of how I look, what I do and say, keeps me from thinking of others.  I'm caught, trapped in myself where there's fear and anxiety.  I would rather stand up straight, listen to others, feel the moments and become in sync with the dance of life and interaction with them.  When I'm not thinking about what they think of me, I can truly live.  I can react the way I need to react in situations, I can be calm and wait for the opportune time that is coming my way, I can help others be free.

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