Sunday, March 20, 2016

I Love the Lord

I worry too much.  I worry about my mind.  Last night I dreamed that I left some pizza and wings in my old car and that they sat there in the back pocket of the driver's seat for months.  In my mind I was thinking,

           "Man, I need to remember things like this so it doesn't happen again."

I do stuff like that sometimes.  I forget things.  So much so that I really hate that word, "forget".
In my mind it is linked with frustration and stress and aggravation.
In my childhood, there was not a lot of mercy for mistakes, there was only punishment and usually the emotional kind of punishment where you are made to think that you failed.  It did not help me in any way to prevent further mistakes.

So this morning as I wonder where I left my phone and think about the imagined pizza in the back of the car, I have decided something.

I'm not going to worry anymore.

**haha, just found my phone. Yay!!**

Lord, I want to thank you, I want to praise you, I want to trust you.  I trust that You love me.  I trust that you will help me succeed to Your glory.


I love the Lord because He hears my voice and my prayers, He listens to me, therefore I will follow Him forever.

Whenever I feel low or have been cast down, He saves me and I can rest in that.
He deals with me in such a generous way:   He rescues my soul from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling.

I shall walk with the Lord to the land of the living.
What could I give to the Lord for all the things He's given to me?
I'll fulfill all my promises to Him and I pray that as I do so, I will do it with all His people surrounding me.

Oh, Lord, I know I am your servant because you have broken the chains on me and set me free!
To You I will offer a sacrifice of thanks and call on Your name as I live in Your land.


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