Saturday, July 16, 2011

How do I look in Yellow?

A few months ago Mema gave me a coffee cup with a sunflower on it.  She told me that I was her sunflower.

Now this particular member of the floral species has not ever really been my favorite. When I was, like, nine I had a cow trough full of morning glories.  My dear brothers had to water them every day for me cuz it was too big of a job for a princess like me to undertake.

 ANYWAY, lately sunflowers have begun to grow on me :)  After I got that cup I brought it with me (with tea in it)  to a morning singing time at "Abba's Swing." Mama Faith noticed it and pointed it out. She said that I was a sunflower because of my cheerful attitude. Then everyone started commenting and someone else said "Yeah and they're strong, their roots go deep."

Ever noticed a sunflower? I've started to. They're tall and they grow straight up reaching for the sun! And one thing I've learned (when I tried to grow some in my backyard) is that they can't survive unless they are completely in the light of the sun -- Always. They are so bold and yellow - cheerful. They're also really hairy! Ok! Dont want to be a sunflower in THAT way!

Sooo, I hope I'm a sunflower. I hope I am always growing towards the Son, I hope I am ever-cheerful and take things in stride (as long as it's not a lawn mower) I hope I can be strong, bold, beautiful and a wonder to all who see me.   Just one question:  how do I look in yellow?


  1. I agree you are very much like a sunflower. Sunflowers are Amma's favorite flower. I love growing them because they are not only beautiful but they provide food for some of my favorite fellow creatures. Both men and birds love sunflower seeds! Keep posting. Much love abba

  2. You are the loveliest sunflower in the garden, of course I'm biased. Another thing about sunflowers, they not only reach for the sun they keep their face turned toward the sun all day following it as it moves. I know you also keep your face toward the Son. Love you, Dad.
