Things that hold power over us should be handled with care. Someone told me that around the world the three most powerful things are food, music and sex. I would add money as well. These things are powerful in the ways that they can change us spiritually and physically. They have the power to enrich us or destroy us. They are gifts from God and it pleases Him to see us being good stewards of His gifts.
Here I am scarfing popcorn as I type. Food is powerful. It does things to you when you eat it. It does things in your brain and your stomach. Hormones and chemicals start reacting. It becomes apart of you. There's food that tastes good and food that tastes not so good. A lot of times the food that tastes good is not good for you and the food that is good for you tastes less than good.
It all depends on how you were raised too, and we can change towards food and learn to love the things that are good for us. We can also fall into bad habits with food. It has the potential to invigorate and empower us to do amazing things. Good food can help us reach our goals and make us feel like gods. It also has the power to give us headaches, and sour stomachs. It can make us feel like a big nasty blob that can't move.
Food has power over us and if we're not careful, it can rule us. Some of us have become slaves to food and it can make us do things we don't really want to do.
Music is powerful, it does things to you when you listen to it. It does things in your brain. Hormones and chemicals start reacting. It becomes apart of you. There's music that sounds good and music that sounds not so good. Sometimes listening to the wrong kind of music can be bad for you. Our opinions on music can change depending on what is going on in our lives.
We can also fall into music that influences us to think a certain way. It has the potential to invigorate and empower us to do amazing things. Good music can help us reach our goals and make us feel like gods. It also has the power to give us headaches, and sour stomachs. It can make us feel like we don't want to do anything or see anyone.
Music has power over us and if we're not careful, it can rule us. Some of us have become slaves to music and it can turn us into things we don't want to be.
Sex is powerful. It does things to you when you take part in it. It does things in your brain. Hormones and chemicals start reacting. It can be something beautiful and pure or it can be something terrible and wrong. It has the potential to invigorate and empower us to do amazing things. Good sex can help us reach our goals and make us feel like gods. It also has the power to give us headaches, and sour stomachs. It can make us feel guilty or empty or lost.
Sex has power over us and if we're not careful, it can rule us. Some of us have become slaves to sex and it can lead us down to places we don't want to go.
Money is powerful. It does things to you when you receive and use it. It does things in your brain. Hormones and chemicals start reacting. It can be spent wisely or foolishly. A lot of times the things we have to spend our money on are not very fun things at all. We often end up spending it on things we don't need but just want and the list of wants never ends.
The way we were raised influences how we think about money. Whether we were poor as kids or if we were rich growing up, can reflect onto how we look at money today. We can fall into bad habits with money. It has the potential to thrust us forward and empower us to do amazing things. Money can help us reach our goals and make us feel like gods. It also has the power to give us headaches, and sour stomachs. Lack of money can get us down and cause us to make bad choices or the lack can inspire us to be creative or become more responsible. We start to gain perspective and realize what's really important and what we really need.
Money has power over us and if we're not careful, it can rule us. Some of us have become slaves to money and it can make us do things we don't really want to do.
All of these are gifts from God. He has a certain way He wants us to use each. It's challenging to be within His will. That's why He asks us to follow Him and to seek Him. He's in each of us so if we stick together we can help each other to see the will of our Master. My prayer is that we can become so lost in Him, so in love with Him and in such communion with Him that all these things fall in their rightful place. These things can control us if we don't let God be the one in control of them. He has to hold the power - not us not the thing itself!
If we take it into our own hands to supply what we want, we'll mess it all up. God is so wise and He knows more than we know, I say let Him handle this stuff and I'll follow His lead.
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