Thursday, February 11, 2016

I Sing Because I'm Happy

A family member once told me to stop whistling and singing as I went down into the subway in a big city, that distinguishing myself in the crowd could get me mugged.  Again it is one of those moments where I feel I must directly oppose such statements because they stems directly from fear.

I say, I was called by Jesus to be the light of the world.  Many people are happy when they are near me because I am that light.

I will be wise in life, but if someone wants to kill me just because I'm full of joy, so be it.  I will not be controlled by and change my ways for fear.
 I trust in my Lord to protect me.  Jesus did not say:

             "Always be quiet and blend in to protect your body."

He said to count it joy when you are killed or tortured because of Him.

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